Tuesday, July 10, 2012

San Diego Bounces Back in Q2 With Strong Numbers in Industrial and Office Markets, According to Voit

San Diego, CA– San Diego’s industrial and office markets demonstrated strong signs of recovery during the second quarter of 2012, according to a Second Quarter Market Report from Voit Real Estate Services. 

Office vacancy dipped to 14.24 percent, the lowest rate seen since mid-2008, while the industrial market posted its ninth consecutive quarter of positive net absorption, posting 165,816 square feet.

“There was substantial improvement in the market from Q1 to Q2, and these numbers are positive indicators that the San Diego market is moving again,” said Chris Wood (lower right photo), Managing Director of Voit’s San Diego office.

 “We have seen a pickup in transaction volume across all product types, and we expect that we will see a further increase in investment and leasing activity throughout the remainder of 2012.”

For a complete copy of the company’s news release, please contact:

Jenn Quader / Judith Brower
Brower, Miller & Cole
(949) 955-7940

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