Wednesday, November 28, 2018

RealCrowd Launches Online Marketplace for Opportunity Zone Investments

Adam Hooper
Portland, OR --RealCrowd, one of the nation’s leading direct investment online real estate platforms, has launched a new marketplace to give everyday accredited investors access to newly formed Opportunity Zone fund investments.

The new offering will focus solely on investments offered by third party real estate sponsors that intend to be qualified Opportunity Zone fund projects, according to Adam Hooper, Co-Founder and CEO of RealCrowd.

            “Opportunity Zone projects are still in their infancy, and regulations related to these investments continue to be defined and clarified by the U.S. Treasury,” says Hooper.

“That said, there are tax benefits that cannot be ignored by everyday accredited investors. One of the hallmarks of our platform is that we provide investors with access to opportunities that were previously only available to the most elite or largest investment firms.

"Opportunity Zone investments certainly fall into this category. Without this new marketplace, many investors would miss the opportunity to take part in what is likely to become a key investment strategy over the next decade.”

Established by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Opportunity Zone legislation is a new community development program to encourage long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide. The program provides investors with the opportunity to defer and even eliminate capital gains tax in exchange for investment in these regions.


Lexi Astfalk / Jenn Quader
Brower Group Inc.

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