MOSCOW (OPENPRESS)--The First International Forum “Investment, Construction and Real Estate in Russian Federation and CIS countries – Dealmakers Forum” is a part of the 13th Annual International Real Estate Exhibition, Realtex, which is endorsed by Mayor Yuri Luzhkov of Moscow. The event will be held on April 23 – 24, 2008 in the Central Exhibition Complex “Expocentre”, Moscow.(photo top right)
RPI Inc., founded in 1992, is coordinating the event. RPI is a leading advisory, business development and communications firm specializing in the energy industry of Russia, the Caspian region, Eastern and Central Europe.
The Forum will be a unique event that presents the largest available showcases of development projects from CIS countries and Russia. The CIS real estate market has been exhibiting rapid growth. Experts forecast that this market will grow by 20 percent in 2008, whereas growth in Central and Eastern Europe will not exceed 16 percent. Record growth is therefore anticipated in all segments of the region’s real estate market.
The Forum will explore the following real estate markets: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Azerbaijan. Russia/CIS has become one of the hottest destinations for real estate development. These countries continue to attract foreign investors in record numbers and the forecast is that the market will grow rapidly in the next few years.
For additional information, please contact:
RPI at:
Phone: +7 (495) 778-4597
Web site: http://www.rpi-inc.ruor
Exhibition Director
Kiseleva Ekaterina
Tel.:+7 495 105-6561/62
Fax: +7 (495) 248-0734
Exhibition Manager
Ermakova Olga
Tel.:+7 495 105-6561/62
Fax: +7 (495) 248-0734