TAMPA - Social media---Twitter, FaceBook, Flickr---and LeadsCommunity.com, a recent web launch designed for commercial real estate professionals, are the focus of a panel discussion at the International Council of Shopping Centers’ Idea Exchange conference scheduled Feb. 25-26 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Tampa.
John Crossman, (top right photo) CCIM, president of Crossman & Company, the Orlando firm that ranks as one of the largest third-party retail leasing and management firms in the Southeast will head the panel discussion on social media tools on Friday, Feb. 25.
“We’re going to take an in-depth look at how social media sites and apps are helping commercial real estate executives gain exposure for projects and ultimately get deals done,” Crossman explained.
Panelists including Andrew Gregory, President of eMedia Concepts; Kevin Hourigan, (middle left photo) President and CEO of Bayshore Solutions; and Hue Chen, (bottom right photo) founder of Leadscommunity.com, plan to discuss the latest trends in Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and real estate-specific sites such as LeadsCommunity.com, Crossman said.
“We will offer tips and best practices to help all skill levels,” Crossman said. “Social networking can be a valuable and highly profitable tool and anyone can learn to do it,” he said.
For details about the West Florida ICSC Idea Exchange, visit http://www.icsc.org/apps/meeting_display.php?meeting=2010WF.
ICSC Next Generation Chairman Justin Greider, senior associate at Crossman & Company, will present a Retail Trends Update during the conference on the same date.
For more information, please contact:
John Crossman, CCIM, President, Crossman & Company, 407-581-6218, jcrossman@crossmanco.com;
Molly Delahunty, Crossman & Company, 407-581-6220 mdelahunty@crossmanco.com
Larry Vershel or Beth Payan, Larry Vershel Communications, 407-644-4142, lvershelco@aol.com