Fitch Ratings-NY-11 September 2009: Access to unsecured debt is improving for U.S. equity REITs, according to Fitch Ratings in a new report.
Though concentrated among select issuers, the upswing has been taking place since the second quarter of this year. If more REITs are able to gain access to unsecured debt over time, Fitch may revise its Outlook on the U.S. equity REIT sector to Stable from Negative.
Given the demonstrated ability by many REITs to raise common equity through follow-on offerings coupled with unsecured bond issuance activity, Fitch’s rating actions over the near term will be driven by REITs’ liquidity positions along with other credit considerations collectively, as opposed to liquidity primarily.
‘Though liquidity may be more of a concern for certain REITs with more sizeable shortfalls, liquidity across the U.S. equity REIT sector is mproving modestly,’ said
Steven Marks, (top right photo) Managing Director and U.S. REIT Group Head. ‘Maintaining a liquidity surplus remains a key factor for Fitch’s equity REIT ratings.’
REIT Unsecured bond issuance volume and terms have improved materially, with 62% of $6.7 billion in unsecured bond issuance year-to-date taking place after June 30, 2009.
Credit spreads over comparable treasuries on
such transactions narrowed by 235 basis points at issuance relative to transactions prior to June 30, 2009, enabling more opportunities for transactions acceptable to REITs.
Additionally, after June 30, 2009, REITs raised approximately $1.5 billion in equity offerings, bringing equity issuance across the sector to $14.4 billion year-to-date. ‘The market’s acceptance of these transactions has enabled REITs to reduce leverage, as well as strengthen liquidity,’ said Marks.
‘However, REITs may be reluctant to continue such issuance due to the impact of further dilution to the extent such offerings are more defensive or liquidity-enhancing, as opposed to acquisition-driven, which is a concern.’
The CMBS market faces continued challenges while pension funds, insurance companies and other secured lenders are reducing secured lending activity. Despite this, REITs continue to demonstrate access to the mortgage financing market.
While most REITs are refinancing mortgages on more onerous terms, secured lenders’ asset and sponsor selectivity has favored publicly-traded REITs’ portfolios. As such, Fitch has enhanced its approach towards analyzing REIT liquidity by including sensitivities addressing various scenarios of refinancing prospects for REITs’ upcoming secured debt maturities.
The median of REITs’ liquidity cover, defined as sources of liquidity divided by uses of liquidity for the projection period of July 1, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2011 is 1.1 times.
This level indicates that most REITs with investment grade ratings have liquidity surpluses over the next two and a half years, which is beyond the 12-to-24 month timeframe Fitch has typically assessed.
‘REITs are not immune from recent headline risk regarding ongoing commercial real estate fundamental challenges,’ said Marks. ‘However, REITs are set apart from other commercial property owners from a contingent liquidity standpoint.’
Steven Marks, +1-212-908-9161, Sean Pattap, +1-212-908-0642 or Joseph Engelken, +1-212-908-0569, New York.
Media Relations: Sandro Scenga, New York, Tel: +1 212-908-0278;