president, Jeff K. McFadden, (top right photo) SIOR, managing partner, Taurus Southern Investments, LLC, a subsidiary of Boston-based Taurus Investment Holdings, LLC;
president-elect, Mary Hurley, (top left photo) CCIM, RPA, real estate and leasing manager, Pineloch Management Corporation;
vice president, Anthony Fiorillo, (middle right photo) LEED AP, president, ECS-Florida, LLC;
treasurer, Scott Miller (middle left photo) , principal, Primary Capital Advisors, LLC;
secretary and Corporate board representative, Pam Carman, (bottom right photo) FSMPS, director of business development – Florida region, Barton Malow Co.;

immediate past-president and State and Corporate board representative, Terry Delahunty, Esq., LEED AP, partner, Foley & Lardner LLP.
Board members include: Sandy Chace, vice president of leasing, Colonial Properties Trust; Alex Dobrev, Esq., attorney, Lowndes Drosdick Doster Kantor & Reed, PA; David Evans, Esq., attorney, Baker & Hostetler LLP; Ray Gilley, president and CEO, Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission;
Ioana Good, marketing manager, Tilt-Con Corporation; John Guitar, senior director of leasing, Flagler Development Group, Christie Hill, director of business development, Workscapes, Inc.; Doug Irmscher, senior vice president, Duke Realty Corporation; Linda Lay, president, LL Marketing Group;
Greg Morrison, (bottom left photo) CCIM, SIOR, Morrison Commercial Real Estate; Craig Polejes, president, Florida Bank of Commerce; Alan Sheppard, Jr., Esq., shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, LLP; Ann Sonntag, publisher, Orlando Business Journal; Jeff Sweeney, president and managing director, Grubb & Ellis/Commercial Florida;
John Tomlinson, senior vice president, Wells Fargo Bank; Sandy Winkler, director of marketing, HuntonBrady Architects.
The chapter’s State board representatives also include Arnold Gibbs, vice president of business development, Terracon Consultants, Inc.; Rene’ Schneider, site development manager, MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.; and Alan Sheppard, Jr.
Ex-officio board members are Michael Beale, president, Beall Commercial Real Estate. and Moses Salcido, SIOR, senior development manager, Panattoni Development Co. Shannon Miller serves as the chapter’s executive director. Ken Cristol, president, Cristol Marketing Company, is the chapter’s media consultant and agency of record.
Contact: Kenneth H. Cristol , 407-774-2515