Neal’s firm will have controlling interest in GVA Advantis; providing equity, leadership, and strategic vision for the company.
Jeffrey T. Neal, co-founder and principal of a Washington-based real estate development company and th

e newly-appointed Chairman of GVA Advantis, states, “This is a great opportunity for diversifying and expanding my business and investment endeavors into a new spectrum of the real estate industry.
"With the planned growth and retooling of GVA Advantis, we will be able to offer a wide variety of real estate expertise to a broader range of clientele than my past businesses have allowed.
"Our goal in the next five years is to continue providing the highest level of services to all of our clients as well as expanding Advantis’ capabilities into contiguous markets and new product areas where my strengths can add value to the clients’ businesses.”
Neal’s private equity group is comprised of individual investors with specific re

al estate and other industry experience and expertise that will be instrumental to Advantis’ future. The group was assembled to assist senior management with setting the strategic direction and leadership of the company.
The most significant change will occur in the culture of delivering a full line of services. GVA Advantis will be able to take advantage of the intellectual capital within the company, as well as Neal’s and his investors’ diverse expertise, and strengthen its service and leadership to their clients.
Immediate steps will be taken to size the company for growth within the markets already served by the company, as well as other markets in the United States. In addition, the headquarters of GVA Advantis will move from Atlanta to Washington, DC.
Richard Pogue, former President of Koll Northern California and Chairman of CB

RE’s Canadian operations, is the new CEO of GVA Advantis and also provides proven leadership immediately.
Pogue states, “GVA Advantis has a rich history and we will build our future on that foundation. It was first known as Goodman, Segar, Hogan, based out of Virginia, specializing in commercial brokerage services.
"Over time it grew with offices in Richmond, Atlanta, Raleigh, Jacksonville, Roanoke, Newport News, Tampa and Orlando and expanded its services to include development, construction and property management. It is this type of vision and leadership that will once again take GVA Advantis to the next level.”
Contact: Jim Roberts, 202.870.1320,