The trustee, Wells Fargo Bank N.A., informed Standard & Poor's that it drew on the series 2002A d
ebt service reserve fund to make the March 3, 2008, payment on the bonds. After the draw, there was $431,332 left in the series 2002A debt service reserve fund, well below the $3.77 million which is required pursuant to the trust indenture.

Although the bonds will be paid by the bond insurer, it is unlikely that the project will g
enerate enough revenue to make the next debt service payment in September 2008.

The bonds are credit enhanced by MBIA, and will continue to have a 'AAA' rating based on the bond insurance policy, which will remain in place for this issue.
Media Contact: Christopher Mortell , New York, (1) 212-438 3446 christopher_mortell@standardandpoors.com
Analyst Contacts: Renee J Berson, New York (1) 212-438-7966 and Louis F. Louis, New York (1) 212-438-2054
Analyst Contacts: Renee J Berson, New York (1) 212-438-7966 and Louis F. Louis, New York (1) 212-438-2054
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