“Condominium owners at The Vue enjoy one of the most advanced biometric security systems in the U.S.,” said Peter A. Wengert, founder and president of BioTraits, Inc.
BioTraits will be responsible for magnetic door locks, electric strikes, locksmithing, and access control functions, as well as security cameras, DVR systems and internal networks that include computers, printe
“We are uniquely qualified in that our IT team will be able to make service calls remotely as well as on-site to minimize down time,” Wengert said.
BioTraits was recently awarded a contract to provide a similar range of services at Solaire, (middle left photo) a luxury condominium tower in the Plaza located on Orange Ave. at Church St. in downtown Orlando.
Wengert said the contract with The Vue Condominium tower resulted from owners of the Solaire sharing how satisfied they were with their relationship with Biotraits.
“Companies that rely on biometric security systems are on the cutting edge of electronic security hardware and software and they all talk to each other regularly,” said Wengert. “We welcome evidence that our reputation in this field is growing,” he said.
Biotraits’ co-

BioTraits is a client of the UCF Incubation Program at the Technology Incubator in the Central Florida Research Park.
For more information about this release, contact:
Peter Wengert, BioTraits CEO, 866-609-4711 or peter@biotraits.com.
Carol Ann Dykes, Site Manager, UCF Technology Incubator, 407-882-0211, cdykes@mail.ucf.edu; or
Tom O’Neal, UCF Incubation Program Director, 407-882-1120
Larry Vershel or Beth Payan, LV Communications, 407-644-4142 or LvershelCo@aol.com.
About BioTraits:
Larry Vershel or Beth Payan, LV Communications, 407-644-4142 or LvershelCo@aol.com.
About BioTraits:

Founded in 2003 at the UCF Technology Incubator as Biometrics Data Solutions, the name later was changed to BioTraits A Biometric Company to better describe their solutions for biometric identification and verification products and software development. For more information, visit http://www.biotraits.com/.
About the UCF Incubation Program
Since its founding in 1999, the UCF Incubation Program has helped more than 100 emerging companies create over $300 million in annual revenue and more than 900 new jobs with an average salary of $59,000.
With five facilities ac
ross the metro Orlando community, the Incubation Program is a collaboration in economic development between UCF, Orange County, the City of Orlando, Seminole County, the City of Winter Springs, and the Florida High Tech Corridor Council.

For more information, please visit http://www.incubator.ucf.edu/.
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