This is invaluable expertise to offer at a time when residential homeowners prepare for the next step of a possible short sale in lieu of the foreclosure process. Gammon specializes in residential home sales in Livingston and Oakland counties.
"As a Certified Distressed Property Expert, I specialize in working with homeowners who are 'upside down' in their homes and facing or are in the process of foreclosure. I am an advocate for families in need of a professional, knowledgeable Realtor to help them through the tough issues they are facing," Gammon said.
A short sale allows the cash-strapped seller to repay the mortgage at the price that the home sells for, even though it is lower than what is owed on the property.
With declining property values, this can save many homeowners from foreclosure and even bankruptcy. More and more lenders are willing to consider short sales because they are much less costly than foreclosures.
RE/MAX Classic
Lynn Dery
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