Thursday, July 11, 2019

Guardian Advisory LLC Launches $50 Million Private Equity Retail Fund Targeting $100 Million in Buying Power

David E. Hooston
Newport Beach, CA – Guardian Advisory, LLC, a Southern California-based commercial real estate investment firm, has announced the launch of a retail-focused investment fund vehicle targeting $50 million in equity to reach $100 million in buying power.

 The fund, Guardian Net Lease Fund I, LP, will be managed by Guardian CRE, LLC as its general partner, and will invest principally in single-tenant net leased (NNN) retail properties throughout the U.S.

“There is a tremendous competitive advantage to investing in NNN retail properties,” says David E. Hooston, designated manager of Guardian CRE, LLC.

“These assets represent consistently stable investments, characterized by long-term in-place leases with national credit tenants allocated between geographic and industry diversification.”

Hooston notes that institutional and private equity investors are increasingly focused on niche strategies like the Fund, which are now seen as prime opportunities given targeted valuations metrics against risk-adjusted returns seen elsewhere in the private equity sector.

John Halvorson
“By launching a niche-focused fund at this point in the market cycle, we are giving accredited investors the opportunity to place capital into a vehicle with a history of long-term stability combined with targeted life-of-fund returns between 8 and 10%,” says Hooston.

The Guardian Net Lease Fund will target properties that are already occupied by national credit tenants such as 7-11, CVS, Walgreens, Dollar General and O’Reilly Auto Parts, among others.

The Fund is led by three real estate and finance veterans with experience including more than $10 billion in financing placed and over $25 billion in commercial real estate purchased, managed and sold.

Hooston, a finance executive with experience spanning more than $26 Billion in real estate and capital campaigns, will oversee the Fund’s strategic vision, financial reporting and investor relations.

John Halvorson, an expert in net leased property investments, will oversee the Fund’s acquisition and property management strategies. Halvorson has a 30-year tenure in commercial banking and real estate and has managed a multi-million-dollar family portfolio for over a decade.

Mike Kron, an industry leader with experience spanning more than $1 billion in property transactions, will chair the Fund’s specific property investment decisions. Kron is COO of a family office with more than 13,000 multifamily units in Arizona and Texas and is also a licensed attorney.


Alex Caswell /Jenn Quader
Brower Group
(949) 438-6262

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